
Thursday, April 25, 2013

2009 Lagoon 440 Catamaran for Sale Alert

A 2009 Lagoon 440 owners version has been taken in on trade and will be set to hit the market at an aggressive asking price for a quick sale to get her off the books. 110v, nicely equipped. Contact Just Catamarans if you think this might be your future boat. Timing is everything!


  1. what exactly is 'aggressive'..... :)

  2. Hi Tim, she hit the market at lower than most Lagoon 440 owner version but she is newer, better cared for and better equipped. I will send you comps to review and can tell you her history as I know the previous owner prior to trade. =)

    On the other end of the spectrum, I have the lowest priced Lagoon 440 in US (4 cabin) located here in Fort Lauderdale.
